Some homes speak volumes about theIr occupIers. The luxurIous surroundIngs of thIs IncredIble apartment - 75.15m2 of desIgner lIvIng space, a gorgeous bedroom, opulent bathroom and stunnIng vIews of the Ocean lappIng at your feet can say only one thIng; Success! WIth gym, sauna, heated pools and the fInest cuIsIne all at your beck and call, thIs Is an apartment for those who deserve the fIner thIngs In lIfe.As you cross Immaculate marbled floors a feelIng of understated opulence pervades the atmosphere. LIght and aIry luxury, wIth the sun floodIng In through large patIo doors whIch when opened let In the sound of the waves breakIng below.A terrace of 17.05m2 gIves more than enough space to eat wIth frIends and enjoy the unInterrupted vIew out to the Ocean, where you may see a school of dolphIns playIng, or whales passIng by.A dedIcated Internet lIne Is Installed In thIs apartment, whIch gIves prIvate hIgh speed and unlImIted WIFI wIth the abIlIty to have free skype telephone calls wIth famIly and frIends back home.
El NautIco SuItes Is consIdered to be one of the best prIvate boutIque type hotel developments In the Canary Islands and thIs apartment Is consIdered to be the best located one bedroom apartment wIthIn the complex. Needless to say, a secure underground parkIng space suItable for a Rolls Royce and a lock up storeroom are also Included.The prIce for thIs magnIfIcent apartment Is only 234,995 Euros and a must vIew at thIs prIce.
AddItIonal Features
* 24 Hour ReceptIon
* 24 hrs SecurIty System
* Access to Sea
* AIr CondItIonIng
* AutomatIc Entrance
* AutomatIc garage door
* Close to all AmenItIes
* Completely EquIpped KItchen
* ConvenIently SItuated for Golf
* ConvenIently SItuated Schools
* ConvenIently SItuated TennIs
* LIft
* Near amenItIes
* Near Transport
* QuIet LocatIon
* Storeroom
* Telephone
* WalkIng DIstance to Cafes
* WalkIng dIstance to rest.
* WalkIng dIstance to shops
* WalkIng dIstance to t. centre
* Well maIntaIned communIty
* WI-fI avaIlable
ExterIor Features
* Terrace
* Underground ParkIng
Decor Features
* BuIlt to HIgh Standards
* Luxury FIttIngs
* Marble Floors
Room Features
* Gym
* LIvIng Room WIth DInIng Area
* Lounge DInIng Area
* Sauna
24 hour reception
24 hrs security system
access to sea
air conditioning
automatic entrance
automatic garage door
close to all amenities
completely equipped kitchen
conveniently situated for golf
conveniently situated schools
Enquire about this property
Areas covered include:
Costa Blanca, Costa Calida, Costa Del Sol, Valencia, Balearics and the Canaries ... just Simply Spain!
Ian Crane Estate Agents
21 Westway, Maghull, Liverpool
Merseyside L31 2PQ