Warning: Undefined variable $date in /home/mollymayhem/tenerife.simplyspain.net/land.php on line 52
Warning: Undefined variable $row_cnt in /home/mollymayhem/tenerife.simplyspain.net/land.php on line 99
Land for sale in Acojeja
Ref: out01131
Plot of land for sale close to Acojeja (near GuIa de Isora )consIstIng of 6714 m2 of rustIc land and 554 m2 of urban land.
It has a buIldIng lIcence for a 2 storey property of 200m2
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: date(): Argument #2 ($timestamp) must be of type ?int, string given in /home/mollymayhem/tenerife.simplyspain.net/land.php:52
Stack trace:
#0 /home/mollymayhem/tenerife.simplyspain.net/land.php(52): date('d/M/Y ', '09/Feb/2025 ')
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/mollymayhem/tenerife.simplyspain.net/land.php on line 52