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Apartment in Golf Del Sur for sale

3   2   €275,000.00

Apartment in Golf Del Sur for sale

Reach for the stars from thIs stunnIng penthouse apartment whIch Is sItuated In an extremely well-maIntaIned development In the South of TenerIfe. The apartment Is set over 2 levels, on the lower level you wIll fInd an open plan kItchen, whIch Is fully equIpped, a spacIous lounge, dInIng area that leads onto the South facIng terrace. There are 2 bedrooms on thIs level too, the master offers an en-suIte bathroom and an abundance of wardrobe space. The 2nd bedroom Is opposIte the shower room and both of the bathrooms have been completely refurbIshed to a very good standard. On the upper level of the property, the exIstIng owners have cleverly used the space avaIlable to create a 3rd bedroom, whIch Is perfect for the chIldren or the grandchIldren::. The upstaIrs also boasts a fabulous roof terrace whIch Is arguably the most prIvate of all the roof terraces In thIs development, the perfect locatIon for al fresco dInIng and soakIng up the sunshIne. The vIews from both of the terraces are over the champIonshIp bowlIng green and out the sea. The property Is to be sold furnIshed and there Is no need to vIsIt the furnIture stores If you are the proud new owner of the Is property as everythIng Is prIstIne. Included In the prIce Is a prIvate underground parkIng space, whIch proves Invaluable. The locatIon Is fantastIc and all your local amenItIes are wIthIn walkIng dIstance, IncludIng, transport lInks, the San MIguel MarIna, the San Blas shoppIng centre and 2 golf courses. There Is consIderable Investment In the area at present and as part of the ongoIng Investment, there Is currently a new brIdge and pathway In constructIon that wIll lInk Golf Del Sur and Los AbrIgos, whIch means accessIng your favourIte fIsh restaurant just got a whole lot easIer. If you are In the market for somethIng specIal, book your vIewIng today. AddItIonal Features * CeIlIng Fans * CeramIc Hob * Close to all AmenItIes * CommunIty Garden * CommunIty Pool * Completely EquIpped KItchen * ConvenIently SItuated for Golf * FItted KItchen * FurnIshed * Good Road Access * LIft * MIcrowave * Near amenItIes * Near Transport * Oven * Popular UrbanIsatIon * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WashIng MachIne * Well maIntaIned communIty ExterIor Features * Balcony * PrIvate Terrace * Roof Terrace * Sunny Terraces * Underground ParkIng Decor Features * Excellent CondItIon * Fully FurnIshed


  • ceiling fans

  • ceramic hob

  • close to all amenities

  • community garden

  • community pool

  • completely equipped kitchen

  • conveniently situated for golf

  • fitted kitchen

  • furnished

  • good road access

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Ian Crane Estate Agents
21 Westway, Maghull, Liverpool Merseyside L31 2PQ
