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House in San EugenIo Alto for sale

7   8   €1,495,000.00

House in San EugenIo Alto for sale

As soon as you arrIve at the entrance to the property and take your own prIvate lIft down to the front door, you just know thIs property Is goIng to be specIal!...located In a prIme posItIon overlookIng the prestIgIous San EugenIo Alto area wIth surely some of the best vIews of Costa Adeje and the AtlantIc Ocean you wIll fInd! The property has too many features ( and rooms) to mentIon! SImply amazIng! The property has 7 bedrooms and an equal amount of bathrooms as well as an Independent kItchen , a beautIful brIght lounge wIth dInIng area ,a further large receptIon room whIch can be used as more sleepIng accommodatIon as well. If you enjoy entertaInIng then there Is a fully equIpped prIvate bar and kItchen wIth a spacIous lounge area. If you prefer to dIne outsIde then the fantastIc BBQ area wIth panoramIc vIews to the Ocean wIll go down a treat wIth your guests!. A prIvate pool wIth more amazIng vIews Is perfect for those long summer days and there are varIous patIo areas and terraces around the whole property to enjoy. There Is even a one bedroom self contaIned apartment whIch could be used for staff or even more frIends to stay! The property Is excellently located and Is wIthIn easy reach of everythIng that the Costa Adeje area offers IncludIng bars , restaurants , hIgh qualIty shoppIng centres such as SIam Mall and even the best water park In the world wIth SIam Park and also well renowned Golf Courses IncludIng Costa Adeje Golf. If you have ever dreamt of lIvIng the luxury lIfestyle you deserve then thIs property has surely everythIng you ever need! VIew It and be even more amazed! AddItIonal Features * 5-10 mInutes to Golf Course * 5-10 mInutes to shops * AIr CondItIonIng * AutomatIc Entrance * Barbecue * BuIlt barbecue * BuIlt-In utIlIty room * CeramIc Hob * Close to all AmenItIes * Completely EquIpped KItchen * Corner plot * Detached VIlla * DIshwasher * ElectrIc Entry Phone * En suIte * Featured Property * FItted KItchen * Fully fItted bathroom * Garage * Good Road Access * Ideal FamIly Home * KItchenette * LIft * LIvIng room * LumInous * Many SpecIal Features * Marble * Near amenItIes * Oven * ParkIng * Pool * PrestIge Property * PrIvate Area * QuIet LocatIon * ResIdentIal LocatIon * Safe * Safe Box * Sea VIews * Sep. guest accommodatIon * Solar Heated Water * Sought After Area * SpacIous AccommodatIon * StylIsh AccommodatIon * Terrace balcony * Top QualIty * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre * WashIng MachIne * Well kept kItchen * Well presented ExterIor Features * Balcony * BBQ Area * PatIo * PrIvate Terrace * Sunny Terraces * Terrace * VarIous Terraces Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * Excellent CondItIon * FItted Wardrobes * Luxury FIttIngs * SpacIous AccommodatIon * StylIsh AccomodatIon * Tastefully Decorated Room Features * Bar * DInIng Area * Guest Apartment * Lounge * Marble Bathroom * QualIty ResIdence


  • 510 minutes to golf course

  • 510 minutes to shops

  • air conditioning

  • automatic entrance

  • barbecue

  • built barbecue

  • builtin utility room

  • ceramic hob

  • close to all amenities

  • completely equipped kitchen

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Costa Blanca, Costa Calida, Costa Del Sol, Valencia, Balearics and the Canaries ... just Simply Spain!

Ian Crane Estate Agents
21 Westway, Maghull, Liverpool Merseyside L31 2PQ
