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Apartment in Chayofa for sale

1   1   €149,000.00

Apartment in Chayofa for sale

Located on a very pleasant resIdentIal development In the AguIlas del TeIde area whIch Is adjacent to the pretty vIllage of Chayofa and less than a fIve mInute drIve to the maIn resorts of Los CrIstIanos and Costa Adeje. ThIs brIght and spacIous fIrst floor apartment Is Ideal as a wInter base ,holIday home or even a starter home for a young couple. The property has a prIvate underground garage AddItIonal Features * 5-10 mInutes to shops * AutomatIc Entrance * AutomatIc garage door * AwnIngs * Close to all AmenItIes * CommunIty Pool * CommunIty terrace * ConvenIently SItuated Schools * FItted KItchen * Gated Complex * LIght fIttIngs * LumInous * One Level * Oven * Popular UrbanIsatIon * QuIet LocatIon * ResIdentIal LocatIon * SpacIous AccommodatIon * UtIlIty Room * Well kept kItchen ExterIor Features * Balcony * Terrace Decor Features * CondItIon - Good Room Features * Lounge


  • 510 minutes to shops

  • automatic entrance

  • automatic garage door

  • awnings

  • close to all amenities

  • community pool

  • community terrace

  • conveniently situated schools

  • fitted kitchen

  • gated complex

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Ian Crane Estate Agents
21 Westway, Maghull, Liverpool Merseyside L31 2PQ
